QA & Software Testing Services

Streamline your testing. Ship bulletproof software

Access the top 1% of LATAM tech talent within 2 weeks. Mitigate risk by shipping higher-quality software with our QA and software testing services.

500+ companies rely on our top 1% tech talent.

QA and Software Testing Services We Provide

Reduced overhead. Faster product release cycles. Access to specialized experts and tools. These are all benefits of outsourcing your QA and software testing to our top 1% engineers. Whether you need a few QA engineers or an entire automation team, our flexible engagement models ensure a seamless partnership.

Manual Testing

Manual testing is a hands-on approach that captures nuances automation tools might miss. By leveraging both exploratory testing and acceptance testing, we identify bugs. We also simulate real-world user interactions so the final software meets user expectations. 

This comprehensive service covers the most popular testing services, including security, exploratory, ad-hoc, usability, localization, installation, error handling, and compatibility testing.

Automation Testing

Set up a production line for quality checks with our automated testing services. Our automation engineers use tools like Selenium and Appium to systematically execute test cases, ensuring consistent and rapid feedback. Automating repetitive tasks reduces manual work, improves software reliability, and increases test coverage.

Web and Mobile QA

In a world where users might jump from a high-end desktop to a mid-range smartphone, your websites and apps should look great and perform well on all browsers and devices. Our web and mobile QA service focuses on responsive design and cross-platform compatibility for a seamless user experience. We also conduct accessibility testing to confirm your software is usable by people with disabilities.

Security Testing

Every day a new company falls victim to a data breach. Our security testing dives deep into your software’s defenses, analyzing vulnerabilities from a hacker’s perspective.

Using top tools like OWASP ZAP and Burp Suite, we thoroughly check your application for vulnerabilities. We look for issues like SQL injection and cross-site scripting. Our goal is to make sure your software remains resilient against current and emerging security threats.

Performance Testing

With our load and endurance tests, we simulate “rush hour” scenarios to identify performance bottlenecks. This means that when you get a traffic surge, your application remains swift and responsive. Stress testing pushes your software beyond its limits, revealing its breaking points. 

Using popular tools such as JMeter, LoadRunner, and Gatling, we simulate thousands of concurrent users. We monitor response times, throughput rates, and system stability. Performance testing keeps your software responsive and resilient even during peak demand.


QA and Software Testing Services We Provide

Key Facts about Outsourcing QA and Software Testing

Best Practices for Software QA Testing

Why Choose BairesDev for QA and Software Testing

Our process. Simple, seamless, streamlined.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Key Facts about Outsourcing QA and Software Testing

Often, internal teams find themselves stretched too thin or without the specific tools to conduct thorough testing. That’s when outsourcing your software testing and QA can play a role. Many businesses turn to this method not just to save on costs but to tap into the insights of specialized experts and elevate their product quality. 

Here are seven main benefits of outsourcing:

  • Access Top-tier Talent: Work with specialized QA talent to tackle your biggest automation and testing challenges. Outsourced experts keep your software robust, efficient, and aligned with industry standards.
  • Improve Focus: Outsourcing frees your in-house team to focus on what they do best. External specialists dedicated to quality assurance can address issues more quickly than in-house teams, which often juggle additional responsibilities.
  • Enjoy State-of-the-Art Security: Outsourcing QA services introduces a fresh perspective, often identifying overlooked vulnerabilities. External experts stay updated with the latest security threats, using specialized tools like OWASP ZAP for penetration testing. This added expertise strengthens your software’s defense against evolving security challenges.
  • Stay in Control: Even though you’re getting outside help, you steer the ship. Collaborate, get updates, and make sure everything is in line with your vision. That’s the beauty of working with a flexible business partner.
  • Prevent Data Leaks: Issues in software that handle sensitive data can cause communication failures, blackouts, and data breaches. Testing and QA reduces these risks.
  • Improve the User Experience: A detailed testing process will guarantee customers are presented with a valuable, reliable, and secure end product.
  • Save Money: Prevention is key. Early detection of bugs and issues means you’ll avoid hefty costs further down the road. It’s more expensive to fix problems when the development process is advanced—or even worse, if the product is finished.

Would you launch a spacecraft without meticulous checks? QA ensures software works seamlessly under real-world conditions, minimizing costly post-launch fixes and reputation risks. Simply put, it’s the difference between hoping your software performs and knowing it will. QA and software testing act as the gatekeepers of product excellence. 

Best Practices for Software QA Testing

Staying updated with the latest QA testing best practices is essential. Quality assurance processes are vital for successful software development. Here are the processes and best practices we follow for consistent client success.

Your tailored test strategy should be holistic, encompassing test approach, testing types, tools, and risk analysis. Here’s how we make that happen.

Adopt Best-Fit Approaches

We employ strategies such as Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) and Test-Driven Development (TDD). This means quality starts from the design phase, and testing remains at the core of development.

Test Non-Functional Requirements

We test elements like performance, security, scalability, and availability. Collaborating with teams, outline Service Level Objectives (SLOs), and devise Service Level Indicators (SLIs).

Choose the Right Automation Tools

Every client and engagement is unique. We handpick the tools best suited to your business, software, and team.

Aim for High Code Coverage

We target up to 80-90% code coverage, ensuring that most of your code undergoes unit testing by our developers.

Automate the Majority and Manually Test the Rest

While we suggest automating most test cases, we also understand the value of manual intervention for certain tests, especially for usability, negative testing, multiple scenarios, and exploratory testing.

Offer Constructive Feedback

Accessibility, security, and performance feedback are integral to our testing strategy, ensuring the end product is user-centric.

Clearly delineate the process—from test initiation and bug identification to the implementation of solutions.

Maintain Test Plans & Environments

We work with operations and development teams, ensuring our test environments echo the production settings.

Validate and Approve Definitions of Ready

Our Scrum Masters actively contribute to the Definition of Ready.

Run Comprehensive Regression Tests

Before release, we check the application’s core functionalities so they work as expected.

We handle the intricacies of test management—from communications and risk assessment to issue mitigation.

Lead Issue Triage

We meticulously assess, reproduce, and prioritize issues. When they’re related to a feature, we collaborate with the Product Owner to enhance user experience.

Monitor QA Effectiveness

Clear metrics drive continuous improvement. By tracking test cases, bug distribution, and test effectiveness, we constantly refine our approach.

Analyze New Versions

Before any deployment, we gauge the quality and potential risks of new software iterations.

Align Business and Technical Goals

Understanding the nuances of each engagement allows us to remain aligned with both business and technical goals.

Bridge Knowledge Gaps

We provide debugging insights and integrate testing earlier, ensuring everyone’s on the same page.

For us, quality assurance isn’t just about testing. We embed ourselves throughout the product development lifecycle to keep your software secure and performant.

100s of companies worldwide trust us for their QA and Software Testing services.

Why Choose Voltera for QA and Software Testing

Customized Testing Strategy

Starting with your business goals, we create a comprehensive, custom testing strategy. We choose the ideal approach for your application and select the best-fit testing tools. We’ll also provide feedback to inform the testing process and improve software quality.

Top 1% of QA Talent

Starting with your business goals, we create a comprehensive, custom testing strategy. We choose the ideal approach for your application and select the best-fit testing tools. We’ll also provide feedback to inform the testing process and improve software quality.

Comprehensive Testing Coverage and Services

Our QA engineers and testers are experts in numerous testing approaches, methodologies, and services. We perform functional and performance testing, including security, stress, and usability testing. We also leverage manual and automated approaches for maximum test coverage and high-quality software.

Our process. Simple, seamless, streamlined.

Step 1
Discuss your requirements.

We’ll discuss your business goals, budget, timeline, and need for quality assurance services. During this initial call, we’ll determine if you need a dedicated software development team or one of our other engagement models.


Step 2
Create a plan and assemble a team.

We’ll craft a plan outlining our approach to QA testing, based on your requirements and engagement model. We’ll also assemble your team of QA specialists.


Step 3
Get to work.

Our QA engineers and testers will get to work. Throughout the software testing process, we will track metrics and keep you informed about our progress to ensure you stay up to date.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

QA services and software testing are closely related but differ in scope. Both activities are aimed at improving the software development process and minimizing defects. However, software testing exclusively involves testing, while QA services refer to a broader set of activities for improving software and reducing instances of bugs, such as risk management.

QA functional testing is a type of software testing that focuses on evaluating the functional aspects of software, ensuring that the software behaves as intended. Examples of functional testing include unit testing and integration testing. The other main type of QA testing is performance testing, which focuses on the performance of the software, including its responsiveness and stability. Other tests include: regression, sanity, smoke, user acceptance, boundary, and end-to-end testing.

A QA assessment thoroughly examines all the quality assurance procedures and practices used in an organization’s software development and testing. Also known as a QA audit or QA review, the goal of the assessment is to evaluate the effectiveness, compliance, and performance of these practices and find any bottlenecks and areas for improvement.

There are many types of tools and frameworks for QA and software testing. Some of the more common ones that we use are:

  • Selenium: a framework for automating web browser interactions and creating automated tests for web applications
  • JUnit: a testing framework for Java applications that provides annotations and assertion methods for writing and executing unit tests
  • Cucumber: a behavior-driven development (BDD) tool that allows you to create tests that are readable by humans
  • LoadRunner: a performance testing tool that simulates different user loads to evaluate performance and scalability

Ensuring the security of proprietary software during testing involves several steps, including performing testing in secure environments, limiting access to the software, encrypting and/or tokenizing data, and conducting vulnerability testing. Additionally, all of our QA engineers, testers, and developers use secure communication protocols and conduct regular compliance checks.

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QA and software testing services? See how we can help.

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